Dr. Ramnik Gada


  • Dr Ramnik Gada has done his N.D. from Akhil Bharat Prakratik Jeevan Sangh,Bhuj and C.C.Y.N. from Maharashtra State Board of Vocational Examination.
  • He is dedicated to this field from last 45 years and in the process have cured number of patients with outstanding results.
  • He is trustee and founder of Mangal Prakrutik Kendra and Mangal Jeevan Nature Cure And Yogic Science Centre & Mangal Maitri Kendra.
  • He is the vice president and trustee of ‘ ALL INDIA YOG VIDYA AND NATURAL LIFE ASSOCIATION, BHUJ.
  • He is also the Vice President of INO, Delhi(International Naturopathy Organization) of MUMBAI Division.
  • He is even the vice president of AUTO URINE THERAPY FEDERATION.
  • He is working with JAY BHAGWAN ACUPRESSURE INTERNATIONAL from last 34 years and manages the free centers.
  • Practicing and running the movement for the social awareness of natural life, yoga and naturopathy among the society from last 40 years.
  • He organizes conferences, camps , lectures and provides guidance for natural life and naturopathy all over India.
  • He has cured many patients all over India and even overseas and have guided them how to live a healthy and better disease free life.
  • From last many years, after struggling in society to demonstrate practical approach for naturopathy he founded Mangal Prakrutik Kendra and Mangal Jeevan Nature Cure and Yogic Science.
  • Has presented case studies in world conference on Auto Urine Therapy in Goa in 1998 and also in other National Conferences.
  • He conducts naturopathy and yoga awareness lectures & programs of 2-8 days.
  • He has achieved his mastery in Acupressure and Urine theraphy (Shivambu) due to which he has cured many critical cases.
  • He provided employment to many unemployed people like widow, housewives, senior citizens, physically handicapped person, youngsters, etc by making them learn Naturopathy & Yoga wherein they get involved in many social activities.
  • He firmly says that the diagnose of any disease should be perfect and real.