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Acupressure Therapy
In day to day routine due to our eating pattern and working pattern there are various changes in our body. These changes lead to clots formation in the blood which interferes with the normal circulation. To remove these blood clots are prime important. Hence by doing acupressure clots breakdown and normal circulation is regain. Acupressure includes shaiatsu, reflexology and sujog therapy.
Auto Urine Therapy
Dr. Ramnik Gada is a firm believer in urine therapy. His immense work on auto urine from last 45 years has shown tremendous result. Urine therapy is one of the oldest therapy not only in India but in other countries too.
Diet Therapy
Nature has created foods which can become an alternative to medicine and can cure various critical diseases. Our body can digest the food which is available in the nature which includes fruits, vegetables, green salads, milk, etc. There are 2 types of diet: eliminative and constructive diet.
Mud Therapy
Water Therapy
Yoga & Meditation Therapy
There are various Asans through which our body, mind and soul are purified. There are various Asans showing beneficial effect against many diseases. For examples: in case of obesity: chakras an, Halasan, Mayurasan, Dhanurasan etc.
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