Welcome to Mangal Jeevan Nature Cure & Yogic Science Center
Dr. Ramnik Khiyashi Gada, along with and other naturopathy followers, founded Mangal Jeevan Nature Cure & Yogic Science Centre on 1st August, 2004 in Umargaon (A town in Valsad district in the Indian state of Gujarat). Umargaon, being very close to nature was an apt choice for the establishment of trust.
We took the help of adivasis (tribal groups of people) and the locals and in the process, we made them learn and practice Naturopathy & Yoga.
We encouraged farmers to practice organic farming in order to avoid disease-causing conditions. We educated people on hygiene i.e. keeping the surroundings neat, clean and tidy. We made the people aware of the loopholes in their daily lifestyles. This made them aware of the incredible power of Naturopathy & Yoga and thus they were able to appreciate and rectify the cause of their diseases and illness.
We treated many people in Umargaon and cured several complicated and serious cases, which were lying unresolved in the hospitals for a long period.
Vision and Mission
Our vision is to prevent people from being infected with diseases and illness and to encourage them to practice Naturopathy & Yoga, thus empowering them to live a healthy and disease free life.
Our special focus is to create an awareness of Naturopathy & Yoga among the children and teenagers, thus enabling them to stay fit and healthy throughout their lives.
Our mission is to create an awareness for Naturopathy & Yoga among the people, not only in India but also from around the world, thus endowing them the power to modify and rectify the errors in their lifestyle.
We wish to strengthen the mothers-to-be, both physically and mentally, thus helping them to bring a life to earth, the natural way.

We also mission to educate people of their daily healthcare wrong doings, which forms the root cause of numerous healthcare issues.
Values and Philosophy
We ideate the principle of causing No Side Effects while curing through Naturopathy & Yoga. We also want to instigate some very sure ways to find the cause of diseases and illness in our day-to-day lives, root cause being our faulty lifestyle.
We believe in the philosophy that if an individual is attached to Naturopathy & Yoga, which obviously is time saving and economical, it will benefit oneself, one’s family and friends, one’s society, and by large it will be beneficial to the whole country and the whole world, thus serving humanity.
This is the principle on which Naturopathy works.
- To make people follow and modify their lives towards natural living. (Increase Vital Force)
- To make people free from diseases condition and turning their lives towards natural living or nature by helping & guiding them through Naturopathy to overcome diseases.
- Combination of diet theraphy, hydrotheraphy, Acupressure, Yoga & Auto Urine Theraphy help them to achieve good health thereby increasing their vital forces so that diseases will not set in the body.
- CHealing the patient completely i.e. physically, mentally & spiritually through Yoga & Meditation.
- To educate people how to live healthy life and disease free life.
- To educate social workers who will spread the knowledge of Naturopathy & Yoga in society.
- To arrange health check-up camps so as to detect and provide remedy to various diseases.
- To educate people how to live healthy life and disease free life Through newspapers, pamphlets, handbills, lectures, seminars, shibirs, exhibition, etc to cultivate awareness of Naturopathy & Yoga and Spiritual Upliftment.
- To preserve natural ecology and do all facts for betterment of environment.
Future Goals
- To gather people or institutions who are willing to donate desired area of land or funds to build a 100 bedded Naturopathy Hospital. A Naturopathy hospital in which people can learn how to live natural life through Naturopathy & Yoga. Establishing such hospitals may be beneficial for people from low-income strata like Adivasis, street people, etc.
- To build a Naturopathy Hotel which caters only Naturopathy Dishes.
- Introducing courses of Naturopathy & Yoga in schools and colleges by university wherein students get the key to live natural life from childhood.